A Yogi summer in the south of Morocco @ Ksar Massa


What if the serenity was not at the end of the world but in a hammock in Ksar Massa?

This is what the yogis (aged 7 to 77) present from July 21 to August 21 experienced in this magical place selected by Love Air Yoga.

The modern world, its screens, its over-information sometimes force us to disconnect in order, at least once, to think about ourselves, to refocus …
This summer, our shimmering yoga room was perfect for introspection and meditation when we found ourselves cradled in hammocks in the colors of the ocean!

The practice of aerial yoga has been as invigorating as it is regenerating for all and is aimed at all those (young or old) who wished to experience fun yoga.

A yoga which, in all cases, had allowed us:
-To calm our mind
-To reconnect to the power and wisdom of our body
-To develop kindness and gentleness towards ourselves.

Thank you to all of you who followed me on this unforgettable summer break!

And thanks to Ksar Massa for the invitation …